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He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.

-  Psalm 103:12

 As a young adult I found myself bound by thoughts of  guilt, shame, and condemnation. It wasn’t God who was refusing to extend forgiveness to me, but my refusal to accept His forgiveness and release myself from past sins and mistakes. For a long time, it seemed as though every step forward came with a few steps back. The enemy so desperately wanted me to believe that God’s forgiveness alone wasn’t enough for me, and that there was no way God could love a sinner like me. 


One day, while going through the hills and valleys of life, I heard God say, “Open your Bible and spend a little time with me.” So, in obedience, I sat down, opened my Bible, and turned to Psalm 103:12: “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” As I read that scripture, I began to feel  released from unforgiveness. In that very moment, I knew that past or future mistakes no longer mattered.




Not because of anything I’ve  done,

but because a gracious God sent His only son to conquer all the sins of humanity.


From this revelation Forgiven Apparel was birthed. It is my hope that through this clothing line, people understand that their past is not too broken for Jesus. What they’ve done and what they may do has already been covered by God’s blood. And His grace for us is more than enough. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we become a new creation!

This means that our old life is gone, and a new life has begun!


The beauty about God’s great love for us is that He meets us exactly where we are, as we are, and not as we should be. Remember, you are no longer a slave to your past; you are forgiven!


Wear your Forgiven Apparel with confidence and boldness knowing that you’re loved,

and you’ve been totally set free!


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